# Author: Joakim Borger Svendsen, 2017. http://www.json.org # Svendsen Tech. Public domain licensed code. # v0.3, 2017-04-12 (second release of the day, I actually read some JSON syntax this time) # Fixed so you don't double-whack the allowed escapes from the diagram, not quoting null, false and true as values. # v0.4. Scientific numbers are supported (not quoted as values). 2017-04-12. # v0.5. Adding switch parameter EscapeAllowedEscapesToo (couldn't think of anything clearer), # which also double-whacks (escapes with backslash) allowed escape sequences like \r, \n, \f, \b, etc. # Still 2017-04-12. # v0.6: It's after midnight, so 2017-04-13 now. Added -QuoteValueTypes that makes it quote null, true and false as values. # v0.7: Changed parameter name from EscapeAllowedEscapesToo to EscapeAll (... seems obvious now). Best to do it before it's # too late. 2017-04-13. # v0.7.1: Made the +/- after "e" in numbers optional as this is apparently valid (as plus, then) # v0.8: Added a -Compress parameter! 2017-04-13. # v0.8.1: Fixed bug that made "x.y" be quoted (but scientific numbers and integers worked all the while). 2017-04-14. # v0.8.2: Fixed bug with calculated properties (yay, this improves flexibility significantly). 2017-04-14. # v0.9: Almost too many changes to mention. Now null, true and false as _value types_ are unquoted, otherwise they # are quoted. Comparing to the PowerShell team's ConvertTo-Json. Now escaping works better and more # standards-conforming. If you have a newline in the strings, it'll be replaced by "\n" (literally, not a newline), # while if you have "\n" literally, it'll turn into \\n. Code quality improvements. Refactoring. Still some more to fix, # but it's getting better. Datetime stuff is bothering me, not sure I like how it's handled in the PS team's cmdlet, but I # don't have a sufficiently informed opinion. # # v0.9.1: Formatting fixes. # v0.9.2: Returning proper value types when sending in only single values of $true and $false (passed through). # $null is buggy, but only if you pass in _nothing_ else, but $null. As a value in an array, hash or # anywhere else, it works fine. # v0.9.2.1: Forgot. # v0.9.2.2: Adding escaping of "solidus" (forward slash). # v0.9.3: Coerce numbers from strings only if -CoerceNumberStrings is specified (non-default), properly detect numerical types and # by default omit double quotes only on these. # v0.9.3.1: Respect and do not doublewhack/escape (regex) "\u[0-9a-f]{4}". # v0.9.3.2: Undoing previous change ... (wrong logic). # v0.9.3.3: Comparing to the PS team's ConvertTo-Json again and they don't escape "/" alone. Undoing change. # v0.9.3.4: Support the IA64 platform and int64 on that too. # v0.9.4.0: Fix nested array bracket alignment issues. 2017-10-21. ###################################################################################################### # Take care of special characters in JSON (see json.org), such as newlines, backslashes # carriage returns and tabs. # '\\(?!["/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-f]{4})' function FormatString { param( [String] $String) # removed: #-replace '/', '\/' ` # This is returned $String -replace '\\', '\\' -replace '\n', '\n' ` -replace '\u0008', '\b' -replace '\u000C', '\f' -replace '\r', '\r' ` -replace '\t', '\t' -replace '"', '\"' } # Meant to be used as the "end value". Adding coercion of strings that match numerical formats # supported by JSON as an optional, non-default feature (could actually be useful and save a lot of # calculated properties with casts before passing..). # If it's a number (or the parameter -CoerceNumberStrings is passed and it # can be "coerced" into one), it'll be returned as a string containing the number. # If it's not a number, it'll be surrounded by double quotes as is the JSON requirement. function GetNumberOrString { param( $InputObject) if ($InputObject -is [System.Byte] -or $InputObject -is [System.Int32] -or ` ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -imatch '^(?:amd64|ia64)$' -and $InputObject -is [System.Int64]) -or ` $InputObject -is [System.Decimal] -or $InputObject -is [System.Double] -or ` $InputObject -is [System.Single] -or $InputObject -is [long] -or ` ($Script:CoerceNumberStrings -and $InputObject -match $Script:NumberRegex)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Got a number as end value." "$InputObject" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Got a string as end value." """$(FormatString -String $InputObject)""" } } function ConvertToJsonInternal { param( $InputObject, # no type for a reason [Int32] $WhiteSpacePad = 0) [String] $Json = "" $Keys = @() Write-Verbose -Message "WhiteSpacePad: $WhiteSpacePad." if ($null -eq $InputObject) { Write-Verbose -Message "Got 'null' in `$InputObject in inner function" $null } elseif ($InputObject -is [Bool] -and $InputObject -eq $true) { Write-Verbose -Message "Got 'true' in `$InputObject in inner function" $true } elseif ($InputObject -is [Bool] -and $InputObject -eq $false) { Write-Verbose -Message "Got 'false' in `$InputObject in inner function" $false } elseif ($InputObject -is [HashTable]) { $Keys = @($InputObject.Keys) Write-Verbose -Message "Input object is a hash table (keys: $($Keys -join ', '))." } elseif ($InputObject.GetType().FullName -eq "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject") { $Keys = @(Get-Member -InputObject $InputObject -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) Write-Verbose -Message "Input object is a custom PowerShell object (properties: $($Keys -join ', '))." } elseif ($InputObject.GetType().Name -match '\[\]|Array') { Write-Verbose -Message "Input object appears to be of a collection/array type." Write-Verbose -Message "Building JSON for array input object." #$Json += " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 4) + "[`n" + (($InputObject | ForEach-Object { $Json += "[`n" + (($InputObject | ForEach-Object { if ($null -eq $_) { Write-Verbose -Message "Got null inside array." " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 4) + "null" } elseif ($_ -is [Bool] -and $_ -eq $true) { Write-Verbose -Message "Got 'true' inside array." " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 4) + "true" } elseif ($_ -is [Bool] -and $_ -eq $false) { Write-Verbose -Message "Got 'false' inside array." " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 4) + "false" } elseif ($_ -is [HashTable] -or $_.GetType().FullName -eq "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject" -or $_.GetType().Name -match '\[\]|Array') { Write-Verbose -Message "Found array, hash table or custom PowerShell object inside array." " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 4) + (ConvertToJsonInternal -InputObject $_ -WhiteSpacePad ($WhiteSpacePad + 4)) -replace '\s*,\s*$' #-replace '\ {4}]', ']' } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Got a number or string inside array." $TempJsonString = GetNumberOrString -InputObject $_ " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 4) + $TempJsonString } #}) -join ",`n") + "`n],`n" }) -join ",`n") + "`n$(" " * (4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)))],`n" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Input object is a single element (treated as string/number)." GetNumberOrString -InputObject $InputObject } if ($Keys.Count) { Write-Verbose -Message "Building JSON for hash table or custom PowerShell object." $Json += "{`n" foreach ($Key in $Keys) { # -is [PSCustomObject]) { # this was buggy with calculated properties, the value was thought to be PSCustomObject if ($null -eq $InputObject.$Key) { Write-Verbose -Message "Got null as `$InputObject.`$Key in inner hash or PS object." $Json += " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 4) + """$Key"": null,`n" } elseif ($InputObject.$Key -is [Bool] -and $InputObject.$Key -eq $true) { Write-Verbose -Message "Got 'true' in `$InputObject.`$Key in inner hash or PS object." $Json += " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 4) + """$Key"": true,`n" } elseif ($InputObject.$Key -is [Bool] -and $InputObject.$Key -eq $false) { Write-Verbose -Message "Got 'false' in `$InputObject.`$Key in inner hash or PS object." $Json += " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 4) + """$Key"": false,`n" } elseif ($InputObject.$Key -is [HashTable] -or $InputObject.$Key.GetType().FullName -eq "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject") { Write-Verbose -Message "Input object's value for key '$Key' is a hash table or custom PowerShell object." $Json += " " * ($WhiteSpacePad + 4) + """$Key"":`n$(" " * ($WhiteSpacePad + 4))" $Json += ConvertToJsonInternal -InputObject $InputObject.$Key -WhiteSpacePad ($WhiteSpacePad + 4) } elseif ($InputObject.$Key.GetType().Name -match '\[\]|Array') { Write-Verbose -Message "Input object's value for key '$Key' has a type that appears to be a collection/array." Write-Verbose -Message "Building JSON for ${Key}'s array value." $Json += " " * ($WhiteSpacePad + 4) + """$Key"":`n$(" " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 4))[`n" + (($InputObject.$Key | ForEach-Object { #Write-Verbose "Type inside array inside array/hash/PSObject: $($_.GetType().FullName)" if ($null -eq $_) { Write-Verbose -Message "Got null inside array inside inside array." " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 8) + "null" } elseif ($_ -is [Bool] -and $_ -eq $true) { Write-Verbose -Message "Got 'true' inside array inside inside array." " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 8) + "true" } elseif ($_ -is [Bool] -and $_ -eq $false) { Write-Verbose -Message "Got 'false' inside array inside inside array." " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 8) + "false" } elseif ($_ -is [HashTable] -or $_.GetType().FullName -eq "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject" ` -or $_.GetType().Name -match '\[\]|Array') { Write-Verbose -Message "Found array, hash table or custom PowerShell object inside inside array." " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 8) + (ConvertToJsonInternal -InputObject $_ -WhiteSpacePad ($WhiteSpacePad + 8)) -replace '\s*,\s*$' } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Got a string or number inside inside array." $TempJsonString = GetNumberOrString -InputObject $_ " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 8) + $TempJsonString } }) -join ",`n") + "`n$(" " * (4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4) + 4 ))],`n" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Got a string inside inside hashtable or PSObject." # '\\(?!["/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-f]{4})' $TempJsonString = GetNumberOrString -InputObject $InputObject.$Key $Json += " " * ((4 * ($WhiteSpacePad / 4)) + 4) + """$Key"": $TempJsonString,`n" } } $Json = $Json -replace '\s*,$' # remove trailing comma that'll break syntax $Json += "`n" + " " * $WhiteSpacePad + "},`n" } $Json } function ConvertTo-STJson { [CmdletBinding()] #[OutputType([Void], [Bool], [String])] param( [AllowNull()] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $InputObject, [Switch] $Compress, [Switch] $CoerceNumberStrings = $false) begin{ $JsonOutput = "" $Collection = @() # Not optimal, but the easiest now. [Bool] $Script:CoerceNumberStrings = $CoerceNumberStrings [String] $Script:NumberRegex = '^-?\d+(?:(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+\-]?\d+)?)?$' #$Script:NumberAndValueRegex = '^-?\d+(?:(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+\-]?\d+)?)?$|^(?:true|false|null)$' } process { # Hacking on pipeline support ... if ($_) { Write-Verbose -Message "Adding object to `$Collection. Type of object: $($_.GetType().FullName)." $Collection += $_ } } end { if ($Collection.Count) { Write-Verbose -Message "Collection count: $($Collection.Count), type of first object: $($Collection[0].GetType().FullName)." $JsonOutput = ConvertToJsonInternal -InputObject ($Collection | ForEach-Object { $_ }) } else { $JsonOutput = ConvertToJsonInternal -InputObject $InputObject } if ($null -eq $JsonOutput) { Write-Verbose -Message "Returning `$null." return $null # becomes an empty string :/ } elseif ($JsonOutput -is [Bool] -and $JsonOutput -eq $true) { Write-Verbose -Message "Returning `$true." [Bool] $true # doesn't preserve bool type :/ but works for comparisons against $true } elseif ($JsonOutput-is [Bool] -and $JsonOutput -eq $false) { Write-Verbose -Message "Returning `$false." [Bool] $false # doesn't preserve bool type :/ but works for comparisons against $false } elseif ($Compress) { Write-Verbose -Message "Compress specified." ( ($JsonOutput -split "\n" | Where-Object { $_ -match '\S' }) -join "`n" ` -replace '^\s*|\s*,\s*$' -replace '\ *\]\ *$', ']' ) -replace ( # these next lines compress ... '(?m)^\s*("(?:\\"|[^"])+"): ((?:"(?:\\"|[^"])+")|(?:null|true|false|(?:' + ` $Script:NumberRegex.Trim('^$') + ` ')))\s*(?,)?\s*$'), "`${1}:`${2}`${Comma}`n" ` -replace '(?m)^\s*|\s*\z|[\r\n]+' } else { ($JsonOutput -split "\n" | Where-Object { $_ -match '\S' }) -join "`n" ` -replace '^\s*|\s*,\s*$' -replace '\ *\]\ *$', ']' } } }