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- Primitive Hex Version of seq
- The Help Text
- Example Use
- At a Linux Bash Prompt
- From PowerShell on Windows
- Source Code
Primitive Hex Version of seq
Once I was asked for a "hex version of seq", as the GNU utility ''seq'' apparently doesn't support hexadecimal values. So I spent 5 minutes writing a simple Perl version. This simple utility/script will enumerate hexadecimal values between a specified range. You supply a start hex and an end hex, and get everything in between (including the start and end hexes you specify).
The Help Text
Very extensive:
$ perl seqhex.pl Usage: seqhex.pl
Example Use
At a Linux Bash Prompt
$ perl seqhex.pl 01 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20
From PowerShell on Windows
# The start hex needs to be smaller than the end hex (or equal, which isn't very useful) PS E:\temp> perl .\seqhex.pl bb aa Error: Start hex (bb) larger than end hex (aa) Start decimal: 187 -- end decimal: 170 PS E:\temp> perl .\seqhex.pl aa bb aa ab ac ad ae af b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 ba bb PS E:\temp>
Source Code
#!/usr/bin/perl # Author: Joakim Svendsen, Svendsen Tech # A primitive hex version of the 'seq' GNU utility, written in Perl use warnings; use strict; use File::Basename;Linux Perlmy $prog_name = basename $0;
# Keeping it simple... die "Usage: $prog_name\n" unless @ARGV == 2; my ($start_hex, $end_hex) = @ARGV;
my $start_dec = hex $start_hex; my $end_dec = hex $end_hex; if ($start_dec > $end_dec) { print STDERR "Error: Start hex ($start_hex) larger than end hex ($end_hex)\n"; print STDERR "Start decimal: $start_dec -- end decimal: $end_dec\n"; exit 1 } for my $decimal ($start_dec..$end_dec) { printf '%x%s', $decimal, "\n"; }
Blog articles in alphabetical order
- A Look at the KLP AksjeNorden Index Mutual Fund
- A primitive hex version of the seq gnu utility, written in perl
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- Accessing the Google Custom Search API using PowerShell
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- Aksje-, fonds- og ETF-utbytterapportgenerator for Nordnet-transaksjonslogg
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- Calculate and enumerate subnets with PSipcalc
- Calculate the trend for financial products based on close rates
- Check for open TCP ports using PowerShell
- Check if an AD user exists with Get-ADUser
- Check when servers were last patched with Windows Update via COM or WSUS
- Compiling or packaging an executable from perl code on windows
- Convert between Windows and Unix epoch with Python and Perl
- Convert file encoding using linux and iconv
- Convert from most encodings to utf8 with powershell
- ConvertTo-Json for PowerShell version 2
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- Crypto is here - and it is not going away
- Crypto logo analysis ftw
- Get rid of Psychology in the Stock Markets
- Get Folder Size with PowerShell, Blazingly Fast
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- Get-Weather cmdlet for PowerShell, using the OpenWeatherMap API
- Get-wmiobject wrapper
- Getting computer information using powershell
- Getting computer models in a domain using Powershell
- Getting computer names from AD using Powershell
- Getting usernames from active directory with powershell
- Gnu seq on steroids with hex support and descending ranges
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- Have PowerShell trigger an action when CPU or memory usage reaches certain values
- Historical view of the SnP 500 Index since 1927, when corona is rampant in mid-March 2020
- How to check perl module version
- How to list all AD computer object properties
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- Perl on windows
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- Rename unix utility - windows port
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- Running perl one-liners and scripts from powershell
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- Simple Morningstar Fund Report Script
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- Sort strings with numbers more humanely in PowerShell
- Sorting in ascending and descending order simultaneously in PowerShell
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