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This product was made in 2012. Refurbished in 2017. Now it's 2022. Windows Server 2019 and up have ssh.exe built in. For PowerShell version 2 it's still especially awesome, opening the door into a new world on those systems. I am going over the article now that it's 2022-01-11, trying to update some of the content.

For various reasons you might want to execute commands via SSH, using PowerShell. Presented here is a module with functions (that work like cmdlets or commands) for running commands via SSH on remote hosts such as Linux or Unix computers, VMware ESX(i) hosts or network equipment such as routers and switches that support SSH. It seems to work very well against OpenSSH-type servers.

The module uses the SSH.NET library which you can find on GitHub (formerly on CodePlex). Also see the downloads section below where I've bundled the DLLs I've tested with.

Starting with the good news about VMware: ESX(i) 4.x seems to be supported.

However, I've found that when I try to connect to VMware ESXi 5.x using this module/library, using a password, I get the error "Unable to connect to Exception calling "Connect" with "0" argument(s): "No suitable authentication method found to complete authentication."". So it appears the authentication method ESXi implements isn't supported by the SSH.NET library, or maybe the other way around... The developers suggest an approach to handle "No suitable authentication method found to complete authentication" here (dead link now...). I have tested this, but I'm getting an unexpected error related to the event handler.

The code I'm using and error I'm getting is what the poster "Jaykul" describes somewhere near the bottom of this thread.

Using a key will, however, work. See the bottom of this article for more information on that. Given that, I suppose using this module to add keys to hosts running 4.x might be a good idea before upgrading them to 5.x to avoid manual labour (except the keys seem to be cleared on upgrade?).

The majority of this was written in a couple of days and must be considered beta - but as of November 2017 this module has been downloaded over 80,000 times, and I've not heard much about bugs beyond wanting to be able to use key files in the current directory without using a full path (this is now supported in the "SCP add-on version"). I've realized a few design decisions were quite poor, but rewriting seems daunting. This project is now also on GitHub in the PowerShell gallery version (the best one, it supports PScredentials objects, etc.).

2021-10-29: I have not used this module myself in years. This page was moved from MediaWiki to mostly static HTML. There can be formatting bugs and internal link bugs as a result of the reproduction. But the article gets a fair bit of traffic. The module is easily upgraded to a newer SSH.NET library by replacing the DLL (presumably, untested). Now that it's 2021, this module has been downloaded roughly half a million times, so I think some people depend on it... I feel guilty for not maintaining it better. Maybe there are meta blog posts about this blog post that describe how to use the module. Still no feedback, not even on GitHub, except for one issue I vaguely remember about including the word "error". I feel like a lonely cowboy... Currently, I interpret it as "it is of sufficient quality"?

I should also mention that importing private keys created with Putty will not work, as the Putty developer apparently uses a different key format standard than (most of) the rest of the world. The OpenSSH key format is currently supported, but the Putty key format might be supported later if the developers implement it. There's a thread about it in the discussion forums on their CodePlex page. Oh, and PuttyGen.exe can save/export keys in OpenSSH format if you tell it to.


Proof of Concept

Example of version 2.x of the module, with objects returned rather than strings, and an "Error" property with a boolean (true/false) value. Standardized to use Write-Verbose, Write-Warning and Write-Error.

Demo of the PowerShell SSH-Sessions module version 2 (recommended version)

Old PowerShell version 2 module example screenshot (get an old version from the PowerShell gallery, I believe version 1.9 should work with PSv2):

Example of SSH from PowerShell against Linux

Module Functions

The help text for the module functions, and examples. *New-SshSession *Invoke-SshCommand *Get-SshSession *Enter-SshSession *Remove-SshSession

By the way, thanks to Jonathan Medd for writing this nice article about how to use the module. There is now a -Credential parameter in the latest PowerShell gallery and GitHub version - and also a -KeyPass parameter as well as a -KeyCredential parameter.

To list the cmdlets to get help for from the command line, use something like this, after you've loaded the module:
PS E:\> get-help *ssh*

Name                    Category  Synopsis
----                    --------  --------
Get-SshSession          Function  Shows all, or the specified, SSH sessions in the global $SshSessions var...
Remove-SshSession       Function  Removes opened SSH connections. Use the parameter -RemoveAll to remove a...
New-SshSession          Function  Creates SSH sessions to remote SSH-compatible hosts, such as Linux...
Invoke-SshCommand       Function  Invoke/run commands via SSH on target hosts to which you have already op...
Enter-SshSession        Function  Enter a primitive interactive SSH session against a target host....


Get-Command -Module SSH-Sessions

Here is an article that demonstrates how to parse "df" output from the Linux side to produce custom PS objects containing the data, properly typed (numerical/string).


The first thing you do when you want to interact with hosts via SSH using this module, is to create SSH sessions to the target host or hosts.

The global $SshSessions variable will be populated with SSH client objects from the SSH.NET library (Renci), but you do not normally need to access this for basic use.

You can connect to multiple hosts at the same time using the same credentials, and to other hosts with other credentials by running the command again with different credentials. They will be added to the SSH client pool maintained in $SshSessions.

New-SshSession Help Text

Creates SSH sessions to remote SSH-compatible hosts, such as Linux
or Unix computers or network equipment. You can later issue commands
to be executed on one or more of these hosts.

Once you've created a session, you can use Invoke-SshCommand or Enter-SshSession
to send commands to the remote host or hosts.

The authentication is done here. If you specify -KeyFile, that will be used.
If you specify a password and no key, that will be used. If you do not specify
a key nor a password, you will be prompted for a password, and you can enter
it securely with asterisks displayed in place of the characters you type in.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
Required. DNS names or IP addresses for target hosts to establish
a connection to using the provided username and key/password.
Required. The username used for connecting.
Optional. Specify the path to a private key file for authenticating.
Overrides a specified password.
Optional. You can specify a key, or leave out the password to be prompted
for a password which is typed in interactively and will not be displayed.
Optional. Default 22. Target port the SSH server uses.

New-SshSession Example

PS E:\> New-SshSession -ComputerName ubuntu64esxi, -Username joakimbs
No key provided. Enter SSH password for joakimbs: ****************
Successfully connected to ubuntu64esxi
Successfully connected to

# This global variable is set by the module and contains the sessions.
# But you normally use the cmdlet Get-SshSessions to inspect.
PS E:\> $SshSessions

Name                           Value
----                           -----
ubuntu64esxi                   Renci.SshNet.SshClient                  Renci.SshNet.SshClient

PS E:\> New-SshSession -ComputerName -Username root
No key provided. Enter SSH password for root: *****************
Successfully connected to

PS E:\> $SshSessions.Keys


This lets you invoke/execute/run commands via SSH on remote hosts to which you are connected.

Invoke-SshCommand Help Text

Invoke/run commands via SSH on target hosts for which you have already opened
connections using New-SshSession. See Get-Help New-SshSession.

Execute/run/invoke commands via SSH.

You are already authenticated and simply specify the target(s) and the command.

Output is emitted to the pipeline, so you collect results by using: $Result = Invoke-SshCommand [...] $Result there would be either a System.String if you target a single host or a System.Array containing strings if you target multiple hosts. If you do not specify -Quiet, you will also get colored Write-Host output - mostly for the sake of displaying progress. Use -InvokeOnAll to invoke on all computers to which you have opened connections. The hosts will be processed in alphabetically sorted order. .PARAMETER ComputerName Target hosts to invoke command on. .PARAMETER Command Required. The Linux command to run on specified target computers. .PARAMETER Quiet Causes no colored output to be written by Write-Host. If you assign results to a variable, no progress indication will be shown. .PARAMETER InvokeOnAll Invoke the specified command on all computers for which you have an open connection. Overrides -ComputerName, but you will be asked politely if you want to continue, if you specify both parameters. #>

Invoke-SshCommand Example

The output that shows the progress is colored and contains the remote host name. It can be suppressed with the parameter -Quiet, but then no progress will be shown. The results are always emitted to the pipeline so you need to assign the results to a variable. If you do not, and do not specify -Quiet, you will get the same output twice. I did it like this to be able to collect results while still showing progression.
PS E:\temp> $Results = Invoke-SshCommand -InvokeOnAll -Command 'uname -a'
ubuntu64esxi: Linux ubuntu64esxi 2.6.32-40-generic #87-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 6 00:56:56 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux Linux linksys 2.4.20 #1 Sun Nov 29 06:53:09 PST 2009 mips GNU/Linux Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.32-220.7.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Mar 7 00:52:02 GMT 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

PS E:\temp> $Results
Linux ubuntu64esxi 2.6.32-40-generic #87-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 6 00:56:56 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Linux linksys 2.4.20 #1 Sun Nov 29 06:53:09 PST 2009 mips GNU/Linux
Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.32-220.7.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Mar 7 00:52:02 GMT 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

You might find yourself wanting to do something not supported by the module. You can run a command like this:

PS E:\> $SshSessions.'debian64esxi'.RunCommand('pwd')

CommandText          : pwd
CommandTimeout       : -00:00:00.0010000
ExitStatus           : 0
OutputStream         : Renci.SshNet.Common.PipeStream
ExtendedOutputStream : Renci.SshNet.Common.PipeStream
Result               : /home/joakimbs

Error :

PS E:\> $SshSessions.'debian64esxi'.RunCommand('pwd').Result /home/joakimbs # Remove the trailing newline/whitespace (and any leading whitespace if it's there) PS E:\> $SshSessions.'debian64esxi'.RunCommand('pwd').Result.Trim() /home/joakimbs PS E:\>

Most of the technicalities are taken care of for you if you use the pre-made Invoke-SshCommand, but I figure it might be useful to know this. Before output is returned by Invoke-SshCommand, any trailing carriage returns and newlines are removed from the output before it's sent to the pipeline.


Get-SshSession lists all connections you've created with New-SshSession. They will be listed alphabetically. The function can be piped to Format-Table -AutoSize for a more condensed representation on the console (some other stuff too, but not in this case, I would think).

You can specify the optional parameter -ComputerName. If you specify a host for which there is no key in the hash, you will get back the string "NULL" as the value for the "Connected" column.

Get-SshSession Help Text

Shows all, or the specified, SSH sessions in the global $SshSessions variable,
along with the connection status.

It checks if they're still reported as connected and reports that too. However,
they can have a status of "connected" even if the remote computer has rebooted.
Seems like an issue with the SSH.NET library and how it maintains this status.

If you specify hosts with -ComputerName, which don't exist in the $SshSessions
variable, the "Connected" value will be "NULL" for these hosts.

Also be aware that with the version of the SSH.NET library at the time of writing,
the host will be reported as connected even if you use the .Disconnect() method
on it. When you invoke the .Dispose() method, it does report the connection status
as false.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
Optional. The default behavior is to list all hosts alphabetically, but this
lets you specify hosts to target specifically. NULL is returned as the connection
status if a non-existing host name/IP is passed in.

Get-SshSession Example

PS E:\> Get-SshSession | ft -auto

ComputerName  Connected
------------  ---------        True      True
debian64esxi       True
ubuntu64esxi       True

To store all the hosts, sorted alphabetically by Get-SshSession, in an array, do something like this (by the way, it's important not to use Format-Table in this one-liner...):

PS E:\> $Hosts = Get-SshSession | select -ExpandProperty ComputerName

PS E:\> $Hosts

PS E:\> $Hosts.Count


This enters an interactive session where the commands you issue are executed directly and output returned. Exit with the command "exit".

Enter-SshSession Help Text

Enter a primitive "interactive" SSH session against a target host.
Commands are executed on the remote host as you type them and you are
presented with a Linux-like prompt.

Enter commands that will be executed by the host you specify and have already
opened a connection to with New-SshSession.

You can not change the current working directory on the remote host.

.PARAMETER ComputerName Required. Target host to connect with. .PARAMETER NoPwd Optional. Do not try to include the default remote working directory in the prompt. #>

Enter-SshSession Example

PS E:\temp> Enter-SshSession -ComputerName ubuntu64esxi
[ubuntu64esxi]: /home/joakimbs # : ifconfig eth1
eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0d:29:24:07:c9
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe25:7d9/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:184107 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:29856 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:47733722 (47.7 MB)  TX bytes:4641823 (4.6 MB)

[ubuntu64esxi]: /home/joakimbs # : uname -a
Linux ubuntu64esxi 2.6.32-40-generic #87-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 6 00:56:56 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[ubuntu64esxi]: /home/joakimbs # : cd ..; ls -l
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 51 joakimbs joakimbs  4096 2012-04-18 04:42 joakimbs
drwx------  2 root     root     16384 2010-10-21 14:56 lost+found

[ubuntu64esxi]: /home/joakimbs # : exit

PS E:\temp>


Disconnects and disposes SSH client objects and removes them from the global $SshSessions hashtable.

Remove-SshSession Help Text

Removes opened SSH connections. Use the parameter -RemoveAll to remove all connections.

Performs disconnect (if connected) and dispose on the SSH client object, then
sets the $global:SshSessions hashtable value to $null and then removes it from
the hashtable.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
The names of the computers for which you want to remove connections.
Removes all open connections and effectively empties the hash table.
Overrides -ComputerName, but you will be asked politely if you are sure,
if you specify both.

Remove-SshSession Example

PS E:\temp> Remove-SshSession -RemoveAll
ubuntu64esxi should now be disconnected and disposed. should now be disconnected and disposed. should now be disconnected and disposed.
PS E:\temp>

SCP Add-on Feature

If you're looking for SCP/SFTP features for copying/uploading/downloading files, check this article. PowerShell version 2 is also supported.

Note made 2022-01-11: I made a couple of thousand dollars from this, but have not had a sale in probably 5 years. The reason is that you can find free, open-source alternatives now. Using the open-source WinSCP dll is also a good option. :)

Experimental sudo Support

This screenshot demonstrates running a sudo command from PowerShell against Ubuntu 16.04 (test performed 2017-02-25). On 2017-03-27 I tested that it works identically on CentOS7.

Example of running a sudo command using the SSH-Sessions PowerShell module

As text for copying, etc.:

New-SshSession -Cn -Credential $Cred
Successfully connected to
$Stream = $Global:SshSessions."".CreateShellStream("dumb", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1024)
[void] $Stream.Read() # get rid of initial logon into, etc. if any
$Stream.WriteLine("sudo dmidecode -s system-manufacturer") # send sudo command
$Stream.WriteLine($cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password) # send sudo password
1..2 | foreach { [void] $Stream.ReadLine() } # I found these two lines aren't needed
$SystemManufacturer = $Stream.ReadLine()
[void] $Stream.Read() # get rid of the rest
Microsoft Corporation
Invoke-SshCommand -Cn -Quiet -Command 'grep -i pretty /etc/os-release'
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"


I've included the copies of Renci.SshNet.dll that I tested with in the zip archives below. If you want to download them directly from CodePlex and possibly get an updated version, go to the SSH.NET CodePlex page, click the download page and get the appropriate binary.

On 2016-11-05 I updated to the 2016.0.0 SSH.NET DLL, which has now moved to GitHub. You might want to ensure that you have the latest version by visiting the SSH.NET project page and checking the downloads. The module using the .NET 3.5 DLL expects it to have the name Renci.SshNet35.dll - and the .NET 4.0 version expects Renci.SshNet.dll. The .NET 4.0 version should work with PSv3, version 4 and 5. Doing my solemn duty and updating here.

The version in the PowerShell gallery and the PSv3 and up version (see below), v1.6+, has been rewritten a bit and now has a -Credential parameter as well as -KeyPass and -KeyCredential parameters. Before I updated to the latest DLL, I got this error when connecting to an Ubuntu 16.04 computer: Unable to connect to ubuntuvm: Exception calling "Connect" with "0" argument(s): "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine." *SSH-Sessions.zip - .NET 3.5 / PowerShell v2-compatible (legacy version - differs from the PowerShell gallery and GitHub version). *SSH-SessionsPSv3.zip - .NET 4.0 / PowerShell v3 and later. Now the same as the version in the PowerShell gallery and on GitHub as of 2017-11-11.

Latest version in the wiki (not maintained for years, please use the versions in the PowerShell gallery, the older ones before 2.x.x are compatible with PowerShell version 2):

SSH-Sessions.zip *

The PowerShell gallery version

As of 2017-09-03, the PSv2 zip file and the version in the PowerShell gallery have drifted apart. The PSv3 zip file was updated to v1.9 on 2017-11-11.

If you have Windows Management Framework 5 or higher (WMF 5 is available for Windows 7 and up), you can install my SSHSessions module from the PowerShell gallery, a Microsoft site and online repository for scripts.

I had to change the name to "SSHSessions" in the PowerShell gallery since someone else had previously used "SSH-Sessions" (initially published to the gallery on 2017-01-26).

To install with WMF 5 and up (to get the latest SSHSessions module version available), simply run this command (requires an internet connection):

Install-Module -Name SSHSessions

To install for your user only:

Install-Module -Name SSHSessions -Scope CurrentUser # no admin required

An attempt at a version history in the wiki (this is for the version in the PS gallery):

Adopting semantic versioning as of 2019-06-04. *2018-02-20: v2.1.1. Fix bug that caused calling scripts to terminate and raise a script-level exception when Get-SshSession had no sessions and also when Remove-SshSession -RemoveAll was called. Updated on GitHub and in the PowerShell gallery on 2018-02-18.
*2018-01-01: v2.1. Standardize to use Write-Verbose, Write-Warning and Write-Error. Quiet on success, without -Verbose. Another possibly breaking change if New-SshSession output is parsed, etc. Use an old module version if needed. v1.7.1 should be compatible with all "old meta scripts" you might find on the internet, plus the PSv2 version.
*2018-01-01: v2.0. Major, breaking changes. Return objects instead of strings and a boolean (true/false) "Error" property value.
*2017-11-11: v1.9. Add a handy -Reconnect parameter to New-SshSession. Possibly breaking change if you currently parse feedback/output: It's now standardized to Ansible style consistently.
*2017-09-03: v1.8. Ansible style on non-quiet output. Pipeline support almost everywhere (except where it would break stuff - that I could think of).
*2017-08-17: v1.7.1. Made it so you can omit -KeyPass, so it works with keys with no password (maybe sending in a blank one works too). Based on feedback.
*2017-02-07: v1.7. Corrected a bug where "PlainTextPassword" was hard-coded into the script instead of the variable $Password that was supposed to be there. Pushed version 1.7 to the gallery. This bug does not / did not exist in the version in the wiki (but that doesn't have the -Credential parameter or key password/credentials parameters).

Please let me know about obvious bugs in the module itself! svendsentech@gmail.com or use GitHub.

The PowerShell gallery version is now also on GitHub here.

Demo of pipeline support

Suppress the colored ansible-styled output from Invoke-SshCommand with the -Quiet switch parameter.
PS C:\> Get-SshSession

ComputerName            Connected
------------            ---------
www.powershelladmin.com      True
www.svendsentech.no          True

PS C:\> Get-SshSession | Remove-SshSession
[www.powershelladmin.com] Now disconnected and disposed.
[www.svendsentech.no] Now disconnected and disposed.

PS C:\> New-SshSession -Cn www.powershelladmin.com, 
  www.svendsentech.no -Credential $Cred
[www.powershelladmin.com] Successfully connected.
[www.svendsentech.no] Successfully connected.

PS C:\> $Result = Get-SshSession | Invoke-SshCommand `
  -ScriptBlock { uname }
[www.powershelladmin.com] Linux
[www.svendsentech.no] Linux

PS C:\> $Result

ComputerName Result Error ------------ ------ ----- www.powershelladmin.com Linux False www.svendsentech.no Linux False

Screenshot of the same:

Another demo of the SSH-Sessions PowerShell module in version 2

A Few Quick Tips About How To Use The Module

Download it, unblock the zip file (in the file properties or use Unblock-File is you have PS version 3 or later), then unzip and place the unzipped folder in one of your PowerShell modules folders. Modules require PowerShell version 2 or later. The DLL file requires .NET 3.5 or later. The PowerShell module folders should be listed in the variable '''$env:PSModulePath'''. This is from my environment:
PS E:\> $env:PSModulePath -split ';'


If the folders do not exist, you need to create them. So to use this SSH-Sessions module, unzip the files into a folder called SSH-Sessions inside one of the module folders (Microsoft says "never put anything in the modules folder in C:\Windows, because it's ours", but...). The full path in my case is '''C:\Users\joakim\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SSH-Sessions''' (this is for my profile/user only).

Then you use the cmdlet ''Import-Module'' to load the module after it's copied to the proper path:

Note made 2022-01-11: Now that the world has PowerShell version 5.1 and PowerShell Core/7, we have a $Env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules for machine-wide modules (requires administrator permissions to write there by default). I believe it was introduced with Windows Management Framework 4 (default in Server 2012).

PS E:\> Import-Module SSH-Sessions
PS E:\>

To load the module automatically when you start PowerShell, put this Import-Module command in your PowerShell profile (external Microsoft Technet site link).

From PowerShell version 3 and on, modules are auto-loaded when you type the name of a cmdlet/parameter in a module (nice feature!).

You can also use Import-Module on the (relative) path to the module, like so:

PS E:\> Import-Module .\MyPSModules\SSH-Sessions

A Few Notes About Creating a Key for ESXi 5.x

I got a request for help connecting to ESXi 5.x, so I decided to document how to set up a public/private key pair using Windows and puttygen.exe.

*Download puttygen.exe, open it and click Generate to generate a private/public key pair. I set the number of key bits to 4096. This could still be a bit high as of 2022, but it's proactive - unless it matters for performance in your case?

ESXi key generation *Then export the private key for use with the SSH-Sessions module (has to be in OpenSSH format - the Putty key format will not work as of 2013-09-14). **Use the menu choice Conversions -> Export OpenSSH Key.

*Place the contents of the top field (the public key) in /etc/ssh/root-keys/authorized_keys on the ESXi target, for instance like this (see this VMware article for more information).

Putty ESXi key generation example

Note made 2022-01-11: I now know the public key did not have to be hidden. :D

# echo 'YOUR KEY HERE' >> /etc/ssh/keys-root/authorized_keys

Then connect specifying the key you exported from puttygen.exe earlier:

PS E:\temp> New-SshSession -Computer -KeyFile E:\temp\esxi-key-openssh.key
            -Username root
Key file specified. Will override password. Trying to read key file...
Successfully connected to
PS E:\temp> Invoke-SshCommand -Computer -Command 'uname -a' -q
VMkernel esxi 5.1.0 #1 SMP Release build-799733 Aug  1 2012 20:03:00 x86_64 GNU/Linux
PS E:\temp>

Successful connection to VMware ESXi from PowerShell, using the SSH-Sessions module

Windows      Powershell      SSH      VMware      Linux      Networking     

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