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This article shows how to use runspaces in PowerShell with commented example/template code meant to be adapted. I recall a function someone wrote years ago that was called "Invoke-Async", and you might want to search the web for that as well. But this article shows code that needs to be edited to suit your needs. The example simply pings some IP addresses, but can, of course, contain any valid PowerShell code.

If you need concurrency in PowerShell, you can use jobs (Debug-Job, Get-Job, Receive-Job, Remove-Job, Start-Job, Start-ThreadJob, Stop-Job, Wait-Job - (Get-Command).Where({$_.Name -like '*job'}) will list the job cmdlets). These jobs traditionally have a lot of overhead and at least in PowerShell versions 2-5, they create an entirely new powershell.exe process, which can take a while and also uses a lot of memory and CPU. Start-ThreadJob looks interesting, I had not noticed that before, but here I describe the "old" runspace way that appeared on the internet about 5-7 years ago (written 2021-10-14).

There is an alternative that you might have heard about in the form of runspaces. In this short article I provide a "template code" example that can be adapted to suit your needs - and it demonstrates some key points, such as how you return data from the runspaces, in this case using synchronized hashtables.

In PowerShell version 7 (PowerShell Core), you have foreach(-Object) -parallel as well, but, as should now be clear, this article is about runspaces. Runspaces are available in PowerShell version 2 as well for those stuck doing retro-computing now that it's the year 2021 at the time of writing. To cater to those who need retro capabilities, I intentionally wrote the code compatible with PowerShell version 2. You can rewrite those parts a little differently in later versions of PowerShell, for instance you can use LINQ ($Runspaces.Where({$False -eq $_.Handle.IsCompleted})) and the magical enumeration of lists/arrays that came with PowerShell version 3, such as in "$Runspaces.Handle.IsCompleted -contains $False", instead of the lengthy "Select-Object -ExpandProperty" lines.

The example code is commented and (in my opinion) very clear, concise and readable, so most of the information is in the code snippet itself. Verbose output from an example run is seen below.

It shows a way of handling the logic related to waiting for and cleaning up the threads/runspaces and the runspace pool, with a maximum timeout specified.

Example PowerShell Runspaces Code

The template code example is on GitHub here.
#requires -version 2

    # Self-explanatory. Maximum thread count.
    $MaximumThreadCount = 32,

    # Maximum wait time in seconds.
    $MaximumWaitTimeSeconds = 300,

    $ComputerName = @(


$StartTime = Get-Date

Write-Verbose "[$($StartTime.ToString('yyyy\-MM\-dd HH\:mm\:ss'))] Script started."

$ComputerName = @(

# Need this for the runspaces.
$InitialSessionState = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault() 

# If you want to return data, use a synchronized hashtable and add it to the
# initial session state variable.
$Data = [HashTable]::Synchronized(@{})

# Ugly line separation some places, to increase readability (shorter lines, 
# always helps when they fit on GitHub...).
    New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry `
    -ArgumentList 'Data', $Data, ''))

# Create a runspace pool based on the initial session state variable,
# maximum thread count and $Host variable (convenient).
$RunspacePool = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $MaximumThreadCount, $InitialSessionState, $Host)

# This seems to work best. Single-threaded apartment?
$RunspacePool.ApartmentState = 'STA'

# Open/prepare the runspace pool.

# Used for the collection of the runspaces that accumulate.
$Runspaces = @()

# This is the custom script block executed for each runspace.
$ScriptBlock = {
    Param([String] $ComputerName)

    $Ping = Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerName -Quiet
    # For testing a timeout... Temporary, obviously.
    #Start-Sleep -Seconds 20

        ComputerName = $Computer
        Ping = $Ping

    $Data[$ComputerName] = [PSCustomObject]@{

        Ping = $Ping
        TimeFinished = [DateTime]::Now



[Decimal] $ID = 0

# I use this syntax to assign results to avoid array concatenation as that creates a copy of the array
# each time, making it very expensive for large lists/arrays. No need for an ArrayList with this method.

$Runspaces = @(foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {

    # Create a PowerShell instance and add our custom script block containing code
    # to execute for each thread.    
    $PowerShellInstance = [System.Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock)
    [void]$PowerShellInstance.AddParameter('ComputerName', $Computer)
    $PowerShellInstance.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
    # This is "returned"/passed down the pipeline and collected outside the foreach loop
    # in the variable $Runspaces, an array. To avoid array concatenation (slow when the
    # array is large).
        Handle = $PowerShellInstance.BeginInvoke()
        PowerShell = $PowerShellInstance
        ID = ++$ID


$WaitStartTime = Get-Date

while ($True) {

    if (($TotalWaitedSeconds = ([DateTime]::Now - $WaitStartTime).TotalSeconds) -gt $MaximumWaitTimeSeconds) {
        Write-Verbose "Timeout of $MaximumWaitTimeSeconds seconds reached. Waited $TotalWaitedSeconds seconds."
        Write-Verbose "Running EndInvoke() and Dispose() on threads."
        $TempStartTime = Get-Date
        $Runspaces | ForEach-Object {

            $_.PowerShell, $_.Handle = $null, $null

        Write-Verbose "Ending and disposing of threads took $('{0:N3}' -f ((Get-Date) - $TempStartTime).TotalSeconds) seconds."
        Write-Verbose "Closing runspace pool."
        $TempStartTime = Get-Date
        Write-Verbose "Closing the runspace pool took $('{0:N3}' -f ((Get-Date) - $TempStartTime).TotalSeconds) seconds."
    if (($Runspaces | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Handle | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IsCompleted) -contains $True) {

        $FinishedThreadCount = @(($FinishedRunspaces = $Runspaces | Where-Object {$True -eq $_.Handle.IsCompleted})).Count
        Write-Verbose "$FinishedThreadCount threads have finished. Running EndInvoke() and Dispose() on them."
        $TempStartTime = Get-Date
        $FinishedRunspaces | ForEach-Object {

            $_.PowerShell, $_.Handle = $null, $null

        Write-Verbose "Ending and disposing of $FinishedThreadCount threads took $('{0:N3}' -f (([DateTime]::Now - $TempStartTime).TotalSeconds)) seconds."

    if (($Runspaces | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Handle | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IsCompleted) -contains $False) {
        $UnfinishedThreadCount = @($Runspaces | Where-Object {$False -eq $_.Handle.IsCompleted}).Count
        Write-Verbose "Waiting for $UnfinishedThreadCount threads to finish. Waited for $('{0:N3}' -f ([DateTime]::Now - $WaitStartTime).TotalSeconds) seconds."
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250
    else {
        Write-Verbose "All threads finished." # Running EndInvoke() and Dispose() on threads."
        ## These are handled above as they finish. This turned out redundant (actually causing bugs).
        $TempStartTime = Get-Date
        $Runspaces | ForEach-Object {

            $_.PowerShell, $_.Handle = $null, $null

        Write-Verbose "Ending and disposing of threads took $('{0:N3}' -f (((Get-Date) - $TempStartTime).TotalSeconds)) seconds."

        Write-Verbose "Closing runspace pool."
        $TempStartTime = Get-Date
        Write-Verbose "Closing the runspace pool took $('{0:N3}' -f (((Get-Date) - $TempStartTime).TotalSeconds)) seconds."
        # Return the hashtable with results.
        # Exit the infinite loop.



$EndTime = Get-Date

Write-Verbose "[$($EndTime.ToString('yyyy\-MM\-dd HH\:mm\:ss'))] Script finished."
Write-Verbose "Total minutes elapsed: $('{0:N5}' -f ($EndTime - $StartTime).TotalMinutes)"

Example Output

This is the verbose output produced from a test run at home.

PS /home/joakim/Documents> $Results = ./Runspaces.ps1 -Verbose

VERBOSE: [2021-09-29 19:26:59] Script started.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 5 threads to finish. Waited for 0.002 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 5 threads to finish. Waited for 0.256 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 5 threads to finish. Waited for 0.510 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 5 threads to finish. Waited for 0.765 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 5 threads to finish. Waited for 1.019 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 5 threads to finish. Waited for 1.274 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 5 threads to finish. Waited for 1.533 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 5 threads to finish. Waited for 1.787 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 5 threads to finish. Waited for 2.041 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 5 threads to finish. Waited for 2.295 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 5 threads to finish. Waited for 2.552 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 5 threads to finish. Waited for 2.807 seconds.
VERBOSE: 3 threads have finished. Running EndInvoke() and Dispose() on them.
VERBOSE: Ending and disposing of 3 threads took 0.001 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 3.064 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 3.328 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 3.581 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 3.835 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 4.089 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 4.345 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 4.599 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 4.853 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 5.107 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 5.362 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 5.616 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 5.869 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 6.123 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 6.379 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 6.633 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 6.887 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 7.140 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 7.394 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 7.651 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 7.905 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 8.158 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 8.412 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 8.665 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 8.922 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 9.176 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 9.429 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 9.683 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 9.939 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 10.194 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 10.448 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 10.702 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 10.956 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 11.212 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 11.465 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 11.719 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 11.972 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 12.229 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 12.482 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 12.736 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 12.990 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 13.243 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 13.500 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 13.754 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 14.007 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 14.261 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 14.515 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 14.771 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 2 threads to finish. Waited for 15.025 seconds.
VERBOSE: 1 threads have finished. Running EndInvoke() and Dispose() on them.
VERBOSE: Ending and disposing of 1 threads took 0.001 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 15.282 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 15.535 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 15.791 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 16.044 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 16.298 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 16.551 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 16.805 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 17.061 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 17.315 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 17.568 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 17.822 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 18.077 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 18.330 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 18.584 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 18.837 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 19.090 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 19.347 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 19.600 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 19.853 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 20.107 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 20.361 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 20.617 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 20.871 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 21.123 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 21.377 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 21.632 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 21.886 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 22.139 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 22.393 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 22.646 seconds.
VERBOSE: Waiting for 1 threads to finish. Waited for 22.903 seconds.
VERBOSE: 1 threads have finished. Running EndInvoke() and Dispose() on them.
VERBOSE: Ending and disposing of 1 threads took 0.001 seconds.
VERBOSE: All threads finished.
VERBOSE: Closing runspace pool.
VERBOSE: Closing the runspace pool took 0.001 seconds.
VERBOSE: [2021-09-29 19:27:22] Script finished.
VERBOSE: Total minutes elapsed: 0.38736

PS /home/joakim/Documents> $Results

Name                           Value
----                           -----                    @{Ping=False; TimeFinished=9/29/2021 7:27:14 PM}                    @{Ping=True; TimeFinished=9/29/2021 7:27:02 PM}                    @{Ping=True; TimeFinished=9/29/2021 7:27:02 PM}                    @{Ping=True; TimeFinished=9/29/2021 7:27:02 PM}                    @{Ping=False; TimeFinished=9/29/2021 7:27:22 PM}

PS /home/joakim/Documents> 

Hope this helps you achieve your goal involving concurrent operations. Be good so you deserve to be well.

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